Monday, December 23, 2013

2013 Advent Calendar Scarf, Day 22


I had such a great day today.  Of course it put me back a bit in my scarf, but I think I can catch up tomorrow.  I did finish today's pattern, although the photo is horrible because I took it after midnight with bad light.  Still the pattern is a really nice one.

This pattern is very simple.  The only stitch that isn't completely simple is ^  which is sl1 k2tog psso or slip 1 stitch (knitwise), knit 2 stitches together, and pass the slipped stitch back over the .  This decreases your stitches by 2 or is a double decrease.  I love how this pattern is revealed as you knit it.  When I had finished the first repeat (8 lines repeated 3 times), I could not see what it was going to look like.  When I was half way through the 2nd repeat, I felt like I was starting to see the pattern.  I love the mystery of that, how even after a repeat, you can't really see.  It is how the pattern stacks on itself.

Anyway, I was behind a bit because I waited yesterday for my beads to arrive.  When they didn't, I used the almost amethyst beads and did a whole row of spacer with them. 

This morning, I headed over Panera's in Redmond to knit with the Sunday group of Eastside Stitchers.  Puzan and JitteryKnitter brought me a bag of beads.  They are a bit of a mix, but there are some beads that must be the amethyst beads I had been using.  If you look at the photo above, the bottom row of beads are the not quite amethyst, and the top row of beads are the beads from Puzan and JitteryKnitter.  I will try to take some photos during the day tomorrow, so we can compare the bead rows a bit more. I was so happy to get that bag of beads!  The beads came from a knitting friend of theirs (whose name escapes me)  I am sure I will get a pm (hint hint) with the name, so I can post a thank you here.  It is amazing to me how the community of knitters comes through when you need something to finish a project.

I don't always take photos at our Sunday meet ups (because I often take Sunday off from blogging).  However, we had some beautiful finished objects at Panera, and I just have to show them to you all.

Our newest member, Stephzuel124 finished her mobius cowl.  This photo makes it look much more blue than it is.  It is actually a really pretty purple.

Skeinherder brought more sock ornaments.  I think she is finally finished making them.  She gave one to the manager at Panera to thank him for helping us reserve the room, and just for being such an awesome host.
Skeinherder brought her new shawl.  She as made it almost to the second stripe.
JitteryKnitter brought a finished hat.
a finished cowl,
and the sock head hat which is her current project.  I wish I had taken a photo of the vest she was wearing, as the sock head hat colors went with it perfectly.
Puzan was working on something that looked suspiciously like a cowl.  I think she said it was NOT a cowl.  She called it something else, but I can't quite remember what.  Maybe, she called it a neck warmer...  But, a cowl by any other name is still a cowl.
CathieC would not let me photograph her MacArthur Park Poncho.  She had to rip back every row she had knit since last Wednesday, and so had no progress to show.  I wouldn't have minded.  I love her yarn choice, and can't wait to see how the finished poncho looks.

Wajio was practicing.  Now that she has finished her fish lips kiss socks, she wants to get back to work on Shurtagal.  Wajio is a combination knitter, and this pattern uses a lot of twisted knit stitches.  Wajio has to reteach herself how to knit NOT combination, so the twisted stitches can be made correctly.

That's about it.  I spent the afternoon food shopping, then making treats for the dinner and decoration party our family had.  I made the best caramels!  Moogie and I made some Rum Balls, and I also made Eggnog using a recipe from the Joy of Cooking.  There was an awful lot of rum in the drink, but it was delicious.
shaping the planet with eggnog.

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