Sunday, December 18, 2011

extra little blog to explain a stitch

This explains the I0I stitch

1. Slip a stitch purlwise from the left needle to the right

2. using the next 2 stitches on the Left needle, K YO K.  You used 3 stitches but now have 4 on your Right needle:

3. Pick up the slipped stitch with your left needle, and pull it back over the other 3  (the K YO K)
4. The slipped stitch is now wrapped around the K YO K and you have 3 stitches again.

5. when you come back on the WS, you will P K P those 3 stitches.

C. A. Losi


  1. Hi,

    I have been following your comments on the Advent Calendat scarf. I am now up to Day 19 and row 3 seems to want 94 stitches to complete the row. However, we only have 92 stitches from rows 1 and 2. Scratching my head and have counted the directions many times. Since you have finished can you help me??


    1. I would need to restitch that section. Is your name Bobi on Ravelry? I'll check it out and send you an answer if I can figure it out.
