Friday, December 2, 2011

Advent Scarf 2011 Day 1 Thursday, December 1, 2011

This blog post was edited on December 3, 2011 to add photos and explanation of my first attempts to put beads on the spacer secton.

It is after midnight, but, well, I told myself that I would post every day during Advent, so I could really keep track of the progress on my Advent Scarf 2011.

I almost didn't make the first day.  The beading was really time consuming.  I put on 15 beads.  It took forever.  Over an hour for just that one row.  I am falling asleep so I am not going to write too much, but I want to post a photo of the scarf progress on Day 1

and another photo that is a close up of the lace pattern for day 1:

The yellow yarn is my "lifeline."  I put it in after the "spacer section" with the beads, in case I had to frog.  I was NOT going to knit the bead row again.

I am hoping to write more about the process, but I am just too tired tonight, and well, this is very hard for me (a beginning knitter), and super slow.  I hope I will have more time tomorrow.  I want to explain how I placed those beads.

Any way, Happy Advent!

C. A. Losi

Ok, here are the beading photos:

I used a regular sewing needle and thread knotted at the end in case the bead slipped.

  Pick up a bead

slip the needle  through the stitch purlwise

then thread the needle back through the bead.
 You will have caught the stitch with the thread.  It forms a loop with the bead .

Pull the stitch off the Knitting needle

Push the bead down the thread loop onto the yarn stitch loop. 

Put the yarn stitch back on the left knitting needle.  The bead is on the stitch below the knitting needle.

Pull out the thread, and knit the stitch normally.

The bead is now on the right knitting needle and is fixed as a part of the stitch

That's it!  It is pretty easy, just very time consuming.  It took me over an hour to knit the bead row.  It has 15 beads in total.


  1. Have you tried the crochet hook method? It's my preferred method, much quicker. Just scoop up the bead with the hook, grab the next stitch and slide the bead onto it. If you don't have a small crochet hook, ask a little old lady at church if she has an extra or check the thrift stores. :-)

  2. Thank you so much for your suggestion! Yes, I was actually waiting for a new hook to come in the mail. But, it didn't come until DAY 2, so I had to try this method. And yes, The Crochet Hook Method is helping quite a bit. =)
