Thursday, December 20, 2012

2012AdventCalendarScarf Day 20

Hello!  Rain again today.  It's supposed to get down to 33F tonight, but that is just not cold enough to snow =(  Maybe it will drop just 2 more degrees, and we will get some some snow.

Our Bald Eagle was back again today.  I stood in the rain for 10 minutes trying to get a photo.  He/she must love the rain, because I have noticed him/her lately riding the air in the freezing cold rain and wind.

 My continuing saga of the 2012 Advent Calendar Scarf, Day 20.

I just realized today that there are 4 days left.   My scarf is really huge.  Without being blocked.  Last night at Eastside Stitchers, I held it up, and finally realized just how big it was getting.  I'm rethinking just a big my using the size 6 needles.  I mean, I love how open and lacy it is, but well, how am I going to wear it?  Well, I have enjoyed knitting it so much, that if I can't wear it, I will still be happy with it.  Also, I have been looking at the different days' patterns, and thinking how and if I can use them in other projects.  That is one of the great things about doing a sampler.  You not only get to see different possible lace patterns, but you get to knit them, too.

The pattern today was really easy.  There are no difficult stitches.  Counting is the hardest part for me, and of course, remembering the YO's.

I also love how wide the scarf/shall will be.  Well, I will just finish it, I can't stop myself at this point.  And I do really love the challenge of keeping up as well as the actual knitting.  I am not experienced enough to be able to look at the charts and KNOW what each pattern will look like.  So, watching each pattern unfold is really fun.

shaping the planet with Day 20.

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