Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Flying Southwest Airlines


My brother's surgery is tomorrow, and I have to be at his house at 5:30 am since they are leaving for the hospital at 6 am.  So, once again, a quick post.  And with the huge importance of the surgery on my mind, I am going to write about something completely trivial:  Airline Food.

You might remember from my trip to Princeton, New Jersey last November, how disappointed I was at the fact that United Airlines did not give us anything at all, zero, nothing, nada, zip, to eat for the 5 1/2 hour flight from Seattle to Newark. 

Well, for the 2 1/2 hour flight from Seattle to Phoenix, AZ, Southwest Airlines give me:

Yes, you are seeing this correctly, 2 SNACKS!  Also, since they don't charge to check luggage, even though I boarded in the last group, there was still room left for carry on luggage in the over head rack.

Not kidding.  Their service was excellent.  Too bad they don't fly to Newark.

shaping the planet with extra snacks.
P.S. Please keep my brother in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow.

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