Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Fell off my bike


Moogie is off to London this Fall for a semester at NYU, London.  I will go with her 2 weeks before she starts classes, and the two of us plan to do some touring in Europe.  She really wants to do some type of bike tour.  EEEK!  I haven't ridden a bike in about 10 years.  So, I got a gym membership and have been hitting the treadmill and exercise bikes (alternating recumbent and upright) to try to get some cardio and muscle tone.  Yesterday, Doc and I unearthed my bike from that hell hole we call the garage and Doc filled the tires for me.  I took a short spin down the street to check if everything was working and decided that the seat felt a bit high.  Doc adjusted it, and I took another ride.  The thing is that we live on a corner on a steep hill.  The flatter part of our street is through the intersection, so I crossed and rode down to a flattish section, turned and came back.  As I approached the intersection, a car was coming down the hill towards the lake road.  I had a stop sign, the car did not, so I stopped.  And that is when it happened.  I do not know why my bike had toe grips, but it did.  (As Moogie said when I told her this story yesterday,  "It's not like you are going to ride in races.")  I couldn't get my left foot out of the toe grip, so picture this:  I stop at the intersection, balance for a few seconds while tugging on my left foot, then slowly, almost in slow motion, fall sideways, feet still stuck on the pedals.  No scrapes since I was still.  Some bruises.  Mostly my ego.

Doc took the toe grips off.

I feel a bit stiff today, but I still got up and made it to the gym for more walking and riding.  The big trial will be Saturday when I plan to walk the bike carefully down our hill to the lake road (W Lk Samm Blvd - or West Lake Sammamish Blvd), and try to actually ride a few miles.

Tour de Sock started on June 1 and I didn't even realize it.  The funny thing is that Skeinherder said something about winding her yarn, but it still didn't even register.  I am on the heel flaps of the Sock Madness Round 5 socks, and working today and tomorrow, and just don't see how I can start another pair of socks until I finish these......... For Sock Madness, 7 people in each group move on.  Three in my group have finished so far, so I need to knit these socks.

I still made it to the gym every weekday now for 8 days in a row. 

shaping the planet without toe grips.

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