Friday, December 6, 2013

2013 Advent Calendar Scarf, Day 6


I'm home!  It is so good to be back, though it is pretty cold here.  We are having clear skies, which for us means cold cold cold.  The cloud cover in the winter acts like a blanket holding warm air close to the earth.  When we have clear skies, there are no blankets, and our temperatures drop.  The lows this week are in the 20's (F).

I was able to knit on my advent calendar scarf at the airport (I flew out of Orange County Airport) and also on the airplane. 

I went to bed before finishing the spacer section.  It was one of those "just one more row" situations, but, not in the good sense.  The good sense of "just one more row," happens when you are so excited by a pattern that you can't put your knitting down, you want to see the pattern unfolding, and you want to knit just one more row... MY just one more row situation happens when you are super tired, but you need to either finish a project, or keep up with a KAL/CAL, so you want to finish one more row before you go to sleep or get in the car, or leave for work, or school.  And that last row is either rushed or knit while half asleep.  In my case, it was the half asleep knitting.

After dropping my niece off at school, my mom and dad took me out to the airport.  I was quite early (you can never tell about the traffic on the 55 fwy), and I was looking forward to getting the beads on the scarf so I wouldn't have to worry about beads spilling on the airplane.  I had one more row of  garter stitch (so just knitting) and then I was ready to do the bead row, when I realized that I actually needed 2 rows of garter stitch.  Hmmmm.  I thought I was farther along before I went to bed.  So I went ahead and knit away, but when I passed the half way mark of the row, I saw that I HAD knit 4 rows of garter stitch, and I was actually supposed to be knitting the bead row.  I stopped and looked more closely.  I had knit half of the spacer section with stockinette and the other half with garter stitch.  I have no idea how or why I did that.  I didn't want to rip back 4 rows, so I thought I would drop down each stitch and fix the garter bumps, then move on.  Well, this was taking forever.  Instead I ripped back two rows on the side where the mistakes were.  That way I only had to fix 2 stitches deep.  It wasn't fast, but it was much faster.  I was able to put on the last bead just as we started boarding the plane.

I sat in the very last row of the plane, sharing my row with a lovely woman who was on her way to Spokane on business.  We discovered that we both have sons who dance.  This is not at all common, and it was fun to talk about the boys' experiences in high school, etc. 

I finished up my last few rows when I got home, but then had to go to the grocery store, etc.  My photo of the day's work is pretty bad, but at least you can see the section.

There were a few interesting stitches today. I am including the link to the tutorial for the first one:

5 - Knit 5 stitches from 1 stitch

The other stitches were:
2 - purl 2 together

Ƨ - purl 2 together through the back loop

We have two Christmas/Holiday parties to go to this weekend, as well as Sunday morning knitting AND I am going to do a bit of tutoring on Sunday.  Busy busy busy.

shaping the planet with a fire in the fireplace, and a cat on my lap.


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