Saturday, October 8, 2011

Orem, UT Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hello!  from Utah!

I am sitting in my hotel in Orem, Utah, where I am visiting my son, James.  He is dancing with the Utah Regional Ballet, and they have their first show of the year this weekend.  I love watching ballet, and to see my son dance in his first professional show, is a dream come true.

I drove up yesterday, a 13 hour trip, from Washington.  I left at 4 am, drove as far as Yakima (about 2 hours) and had to pull into a gas station and take a nap in the car for about 1 hour.  It was dark and rainy, and as I passed over the Cascade Mountains, there were patches of fog, really I was probably driving through some low clouds.  Scary nighttime driving.  When I woke up from my doze at 7 am, the sun had risen, and the driving was much nicer.  The drive is down I82 and I 84 through Washington, into Oregon, cut the corner of Idaho, and then south on I15 through Utah to Orem.  Absolutely beautiful barren countryside the whole way.  When I got close to Salt Lake City, I was at a high enough elevation that there was snow dusting the side of the road.  Again, beautiful, barren, countryside.

I tried to take a photo with my phone as I drove down the raining winding highway...

 You can't see much but clouds and wet pavement and maybe a little bit of snowy mountainside...

Anyway, I'm here, waiting for the performance tonight.  I woke up early, as usual, and knit while waiting for James to get up so we could go to lunch together.  I managed to finish up the 2nd clue (the gusset section) of the Mystery Watercress Socks for Ravelry's SKA's Sockdown 2001 September challenge.

First, here is the completed Clue 1 (the toe and foot)

and here are the socks with the completed Gussets (Clue 2):

I tried to expand it a bit so that you can see that there is a pattern on the gusset.

I am now ready to start Clue 3 which is the heel flap..

So far the directions have been pretty easy to follow.  I am a bit worried about clue 4, the legs, as I have cheated and looked a bit ahead.  There is some kind of fancy ruffled band at the top.  Just reading patterns sometimes scares and confuses me. But I have found, if I just knit direction by direction, I can usually figure things out.  Knitting is one of those wonderful things that you really learn by doing.

Samantha's Glass Slippers

Samantha called from college yesterday to tell me that she has received her Glass Slippers and they fit perfectly!  I am so glad.  I need to get a photo of her modeling them to post here.  Also, I want a photo of Allie in her Raindrop Socks.  I will force Luke to model these Watercress when I finish them.

C. A. Losi

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